The cultivation of Greek species of tulip with precision fertilization is performed in the frame of sustainable exploitation of domestic phytogenetic resources of Greece in floriculture and it takes place for the first time in Greece.
Among Greek tulip species, Tulipa cretica ‘Hilde’, T. clusiana ‘true species’, T. bakeri ‘Lilac wonder’, T. australis, T. orphanidea ‘Flava’, T. clusiana ‘Chrysantha’ and T. saxatilis were selected for pilot experimentation, using bulbs purchased online in 2020 from foreign specialized nurseries in an attempt to avoid using the valuable and original material of wild tulips collected from nature for ex situ conservation.
The pilot cultivation of the above species during the first year of implementation of the research programme is aimed to function as a pilot experiment performed in due time to avoid inappropriate choices and mistakes wasting time and resources. The results of the experiments of the first year will enable appropriate selection of the most suitable species for further experimentation, while the foliar diagnostic analyses in progress are expected to give satisfactory results facilitating effective experimentation in the next period.