The results of the research project will be made known to the general public, the production base and the scientific community with multiple publications (publication in a popular Greek journal, participation in national and international conferences, participation in national and international flower exhibitions, scientific articles in prestigious peer=reviewed SCI journals ) and by creating a website and brochures that will communicate results in Greek and English. At the end of the program, a special seminar day will be organized in the floricultural area of Trizinia, Peloponnese.
Overall, the dissemination and publicity of the project’s results will be based on:
• Publication of 5 manuscripts in reputable scientific peer-reviewed journals (SCI)
• Publication of 5 articles in national and / or international conferences
• Publication of a article in a Greek magazine and on the internet
• Organization of a day seminar in the flower production area of Trizinia
• Brochures and their distribution in international exhibition and two national flower exhibitions
• Dissemination through THEO (clientele, farmers, local workshops, participation in national and international exhibitions)
• Dissemination through Nurseries Athena (clientele, farmers, local days, participation in national and international exhibitions)
• Website in Greek and English
• Dissemination through social media (Facebook, Instagram etc.)