After internet survey, available nursery material for sale was found for 11 tulip species of Greece (Krigas et al. 2021):

Overview of bulb and seed availability (propagation material) of Greek tulips in foreign specialized nurseries (number of different nurseries per species in parentheses). To date, no propagating material has been found in specialized nurseries for the four species of Greek tulips, i.e., T. bithynica, T. gulimyi, T. rhodopea, and T. scardica (Krigas et al. 2021).

Representative photo of the variability of the material of Tulipa clusiana (top) and Tulipa australis (bottom) purchased online from foreign specialized nurseries.

Representative photo of the variability of material of Tulipa orphanidea (top) and Tulipa bakeri (bottom) purchased online from foreign specialized nurseries.