The scope of each botanical expedition was:
(a) Investigation to locate tulip populations in the wild (presence or absence records);
(b) Monitoring of flowering (mainly spring but also early summer) and fruiting (mainly summer but also late spring);
(c) Acquisition of propagation material (seeds, dormant bulbs, live plants), but also
(d) Collection of soil, mycorrhiza and leaf samples (foliar diagnostics)
(e) Documentation of the origin of the plant material.
Regarding the 15 selected target plants (Tulipa spp.) of the TULIPS.GR project, in total, 14 botanical expeditions were performed in different regions of Greece during 2020-2021:

Indicative field exploration photos during the summer period for the collection of tulip species in municipal fields in Mrgali Panagia, Chalkidiki (top left), in private fields in mountainous Arcadia (top right), and in private cornfields in Didyma, Argolida (bottom).

Indicative field exploration photos during the summer season for the collection of tulip species in the mountainous areas of Chelmos (upper right) and Vermio (lower left) and in the semi-mountainous areas of Laconia (left).

Indicative photos of collection-documentation of tulip species in mountainous areas in Ghious Kampos, Crete (top left) and Kythira (bottom and right).

Indicative photos collection-documentation of tulip species in mountainous Arcadia (right) and Kythira (left)